Type of product

Our product is based on cement as the main material. In its composition we find a mixture of cement, aggregates and water. The hardness of this composition is achieved through a natural setting process at room temperature for 28 days. With this natural process it can be stated that this is a new product with zero emissions during its manufacturing process.

The natural characteristics of this material cause the appearance of small uncontrollable imperfections in the form of natural salts as a result of the precipitation of water through the capillaries of the cement.

We use natural inks for our decorations that penetrate and merge with the cement from the inner layers of the pieces leaving a unique sensation with an inimitable depth.

For the finish we use a high resistance acrylic protection that penetrates and integrates inside the cement crystallizing and giving an optimal protection to our pieces.


The surface where the pieces are to be placed must be perfectly smooth and rigid. It is essential that before the placement, the surface is perfectly dry.


For the placement must be used a flexible cement glue type C2. As for its application, it must be uniform and without gaps under the pieces.

Do not hit the pieces directly to level them, use a wooden strip of at least 40 cm to apply uniform pressure.

Our pieces are factory treated with a high resistance acrylic protection, that is why it is not necessary any treatment after the work.

It is possible that some small natural discolorations may appear due to the humidity of the building site. This type of discoloration disappears with the passage of time.

Remove the excess material immediately, using a sponge and plenty of clean water, repeating this operation as many times as necessary. Do not use metallic spatulas or abrasive scouring pads.


It is recommended to use joints of 1 mm.

For the grouting, use a specific product for joints of 1 mm and of a similar color to the pieces.

During the grouting process, clean with a sponge and abundant water before the grout begins to dry.

Underfloor heating

Our cement tiles are suitable for use in underfloor heating thanks to their composition based on cement, stone and marble dust. These materials have a very high and efficient thermal conductivity for this type of installation but it is necessary to take into account a series of indications:

It is important to use a homogeneous adhesive base without voids, for which a mixed binder adhesive type C2S2 should be used.

The tiles should be installed with 3 mm joints using CG2 type joint cement.

The temperature in contact with the tiles must not exceed 50 ºC.

Cleaning and maintenance

To clean the pieces, a damp cloth and neutral liquid soap is sufficient.

Intended use

This product is suitable for interior and exterior paving and cladding.


No claims will be accepted for installed product that shows that the installation rules and instructions mentioned above have not been followed.